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These incredible young people are asking us to help change a system that is destroying the natural world. After decades of over fishing, habitat loss due to deforestation and clearing for farming, pollution through chemicals, pesticides and industrial waste, as well as oil extraction and man made radiation, all the planet's natural ecosystems are seriously under threat and many are now completely collapsing. These are the systems upon which all life on Earth depends. The same systems from which all our food and fresh water derive. The systems that our children and our children's children will depend upon for centuries to come. We cannot live without these ecosystems.

Yet right now, as we speak, they are being destroyed for the financial gain of a small group of people. We have to act now to stop them completely collapsing.

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These children and those who stand with them are our best chance of stopping a cascading collapse of planetary ecosystems. Many believe natural ecosystems are linear in their behaviour, but this is simply not true. Linear behaviours are the macroscopic effect of a well balanced system in harmony. During their collapse we see ecosystems are profoundly nonlinear to a high degree. What is more, they are all interrelated and for the first time in recorded history we are seeing collapses not only in a few localised areas but in every habitat and every climate across the entire planet. If we do not act quickly to mitigate the human behaviours and actions that are causing these collapses then soon we face triggering a cascading sequence of events that will have unimaginably dire consequences for future generations. We are the last ones able to change this world while there is still time. This is why we must act now. This is why right now there are thousands of people all around the world taking to the streets at great personal risk in order to awaken inform the people of what they are not being told by corporate sponsored government and media. We must stand up to the endless exploitation of nature and say no way, I won't be a part of this. This ends today.

The Foundation Of Our Food

Bees perform about 80% of all pollination worldwide. If you like fruit, nuts and vegetables its Bees you have to thank. 90% of the human food chain depends upon bee pollinators


The U.S lost over 40% of its honeybees last year, and this has been an increasing year on year trend since we started studying the bee population collapse in 2006. Some U.S beekeepers reported collapses of 90% in their bee colonies.


This year the Russian Government states that over 39,600 bee colonies in the country completely collapsed (meaning they cannot recover). 


In 2017 the United Nations warned that 40 per cent of invertebrate pollinators - particularly bees and butterflies - risk global extinction.



A 27 year study across 63 nature protection reserves in Germany showed that less than a quarter of flying insects remain.


"Our analysis estimates a seasonal decline of 76%, and mid-summer decline of 82% in flying insect biomass over the 27 years of study. We show that this decline is apparent regardless of habitat type, while changes in weather, land use, and habitat characteristics cannot explain this overall decline”.


Africa is an essential part of preserving our natural world and rebuilding the paradise this planet once was. If we are to really change the world, it must be lead by Africa. This crisis many be the biggest mankind has ever faced, but it also offers the incredible opportunity for complete transformation. If we do this right, we can emerge from this crisis into a sustainable and more equal world. With what is relatively little investment for the developed world, but huge investment for African nations, we can help the developing world become completely sustainable from the start, both economically and ecologically. Many are already far ahead of western nations and cities, but for clean energy and scale they will need help. for example by banning plastic.


Over 70% of world biodiversity is concentrated in just these areas.


Simply banning industrial operations in these areas is essential to protecting our planet, but we must also monitor populations closely and ban the use of all chemicals and practices that are harmful to the ecological recover of our planet

The Oceans

Africa is an essential part of preserving our natural world and rebuilding the paradise this planet once was. If we are to really change the world, it must be lead by Africa. This crisis many be the biggest mankind has ever faced, but it also offers the incredible opportunity for complete transformation. If we do this right, we can emerge from this crisis into a sustainable and more equal world. With what is relatively little investment for the developed world, but huge investment for African nations, we can help the developing world become completely sustainable from the start, both economically and ecologically. Many are already far ahead of western nations and cities, but for clean energy and scale they will need help. for example by banning plastic.

enabling the addicts

network of 94 of the world’s biggest cities, released a report in June estimating how much consumerism drives the climate crisis.

The results were staggering: In just 94 cities, where a combined 700 million live, the consumption of goods and services “including food, clothing, aviation, electronics, construction and vehicles” is responsible for 10 percent of global greenhouse gases. That is nearly double the emissions from every building in the entire world.

But now they are standing up...

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and demanding we change

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Women Are Leading

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A Call to the People


It is important to take away all restrictions to the people working for ecological and environmental sustainability today. We have to massively increase our funding of wildlife recovery centres and field working teams who manage major reserves and protect them from poaching. These teams will be given the resources to exand their territories every year and given more resources according to the amount of new habitat developed, meaning a fast recovery is given even more resources to ensure it is maintained as rapidly as can be. This will see some miracles of resource recovery that change our perception of how quickly we can rebuild our ecological world. 

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to Rise Against the System

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that is Destroying the Planet

“Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been some kind of horrific decline, We appear to be making vast tracts of land inhospitable to most forms of life, and are currently on course for ecological Armageddon. If we lose the insects then everything is going to collapse.” -

Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology and specialist in the ecology, behaviour and conservation of pollinators at Sussex University, UK

and Stealing Their Future.

The Planet


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One Girl Stood Up
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Crossing the Ocean
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to Unite those Who Care
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and Expose those Who Don't

For way too long, the politicians and the people in power have gotten away with not doing anything to fight the climate crisis, but we will make sure that they will not get away with it any longer.

- Greta Thunberg

now Million Are Standing

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To Change Our Direction
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and Call Out For Help
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from Those Who Don't Fear
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The Ones Who Protect
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The System Destroying
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Mother Earth
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A Living Planet
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What Is Your Answer
69 of the richest 100 entities on the planet are corporations, not governments.

Sustainability is the only growth model that can work, because by definition, everything else is unsustainable. 


“We are essentially destroying the very life support systems that allow us to sustain our existence on the planet, along with all the other life on the planet,” Lister said. “It is just horrifying to watch us decimate the natural world like this.”


Africa is an essential part of preserving our natural world and rebuilding the paradise this planet once was. If we are to really change the world, it must be lead by Africa. This crisis many be the biggest mankind has ever faced, but it also offers the incredible opportunity for complete transformation. If we do this right, we can emerge from this crisis into a sustainable and more equal world. With what is relatively little investment for the developed world, but huge investment for African nations, we can help the developing world become completely sustainable from the start, both economically and ecologically. Many are already far ahead of western nations and cities, but for clean energy and scale they will need help. for example by banning plastic.


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