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stand up for Life

save eden
Imagine protecting Habitat and saving endangered species while sequestering carbon, in sustainable communities, that recover the planet and heal all the world.
This is completely possible.
If we work for it.
one chance
Imagine many endangered species protected by thriving forests.
Imagine abundant wildlife and natural food - communally cultivated together.
By taking suitable land to cultivate ecological recovery inside of food forests, as well as protecting existing animal habitats, we create a sanctuary for animals and free tribes of humans living freely on this Earth.
This could be you and many friends.


To Protect Nature
Good, regenerative farming supports ecological balance and environmental recovery, but
there is a lot more to recover from harmful systems than just good ecology.
We need to learn how to live together in true harmony while celebrating our differences.
Collaborating freely yet effectively without hierarchies or centralized systems;
This is the vision of the Free Earth Project.
Free People.
Sharing resources.
Creating sustainably.
Living in harmony with nature.
To heal and transform this world.
Protecting the planet,
Wildlife and habitat.
Thrive Together
This project is designed to lead the regeneration of sustainable, organic, creative communities to remind each other how humanity can thrive on Earth.
Protecting animal habitats with natural regeneration of rural and urban land through the cultivation of ecologically balanced, sustainable,
food forests is an ideal way of life.

Food, shelter, and a loving community within.

Food Forests
A sustainable way to save Planet Earth
The best way to restore green spaces is by living on the land and regrowing habitats ourselves.
Our "work" will regenerate wastelands into habitat and vegetation to provide food and shelter for both humanity and nature.
Communal forest spaces with natural, balanced, permaculture to promote organic & sustainable regeneration.

Resilient Communities
Whatever happens in the world, we who care
should be the first to change.
Perhaps those who do not care won't change the way they are living, but I know that if they do not then life will get much harder.
We should prepare for this.
If enough prepare together we can change the whole world. If we don't change the world at least we are ready for the future.
The consequences of collective inaction are clear and shown throughout the past.
Please consider this deeply.
By working together and caring for each other
we can create a much better world.
We will also make our own lives better.
So let's just do it.
Imagine a community where all feel welcomed, and where those who seek space have plenty of it.

To really change this world we should be free from it.
The ultimate law of this universe is to love thy neighbor as thyself. This is because ultimately, we are all a part of the same whole. One living creation - with many loving souls.
Most humans don't think about animals or nature because they don't see them as their neighbours, but they are. We want to create spaces where people remember this fact and can see how human beings were meant to live respectfully toward animals, alongside them, within nature.
Nature's Recovery
It may appear distant but let's remember our ultimate aim: A planet on which both nature and mankind thrive in harmony forever.
To realise this we're going to need a "recovery" process. We are the only ones who can
start developing that process.
It is time to act now.

Imagine what we could achieve by working and living together in love.
With the warmth of our friends and the energy, we gain by working beside others who care,
We can define a new, shared, culture that supports all life upon Earth. We can show the world a much better way.
We can see how the world is going and how it ends if we do not make a change soon. We aren't meant to simply watch this.
We're called to leave the old world and begin the revival now. To work together for peace. It is time to live free.
Producing quality, abundant, organic food is key to this work. People need this now more than ever.
With natural nutrition, communal workspaces, and thriving ecosystems,
this is a place where we can really save Eden.

To truly change this world we choose to be free from within.
If we keep living part in and part out of the world, things simply won't change properly.
We can choose to lead by example and come together as one, living sustainably, free from all systems.

Connect & Join
We are now forming a community to build and live within this communal space. A community for those who want to live in natural harmony together while regenerating the ecology of this Earth.
If you're one of those people and would like to meet others, then simply send us a message and
we'll be in touch soon.
Blessings up you for reading and
may you walk in peace and love always.